

Soon you will read me. Il never look behind! I was born for a purpose to crucify your minds! Im in the m0uth of madness with a t0ngue of p0etry! I eat the spine of ATLAS n0w the w0rld is crushing me! Hail to my fellow metal heads! Before i go on and on i just g0tta say 'KEEP IT BRUTAL' haha yeah yeah Kyle im d0ing what y0u always tell me "KEEP IT METAL" haha dude i h0pe its right! Well as you can READ by n0w,.. Im into METAL music! If ur n0t EMO or METAL please.please. please DO N0T BUD ME!! Im n0t looking 4 any RELATIONSHIPS haha im just into gr8 awes0me fun FRIENDSHIPS! Looking forward to chating to Y0U! Haha i just wana say a big thank you to all my friends who are always there for me. Thanks to: dmslayer.shemiah. A.motive.anubus29. Baby_mel.gizelle2. She_emo.kiki7.reprise. Andre256. Lilo. Metlchic.barton. Lucif3r.tankworm.setnakt.theruler. Aliera.darkseTh. You guys rock! Thanks for putting up with all my shit at times haha. Bef0re you

